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Keon with Washington DC Background

Who is Keon Lindsey?

My life has been very interesting.  Going from a small high school to the U.S. Naval Academy and a career in the Navy allowed me to have some unique experiences.  From flying to ship operations and a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering, I gained skills and grew in knowledge.  I even worked to get a civilian Certified Flight Instructor rating in my off duty time.  Over the years, I made great friends and grieved the loss of some.

After the Navy, I earned a Project Management Professional designation.  I worked as a management consultant for a few years before going into business finance. I also earned a Black Belt in American Freestyle Karate. Just in case you are wondering, I live in Virginia and enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Throughout my life God has been the source of my success and my sustainment in failure.  I’ve experienced His great love and want others to know the joy that He provides. That leads to…

Becoming an Author

I’ve been learning from the Bible for 40 years, so you can imagine it is my favorite book.  It was only natural that after a long time of thinking about writing books on various subjects, my first one should be about the Bible.  It was published in 2020 and is titled, Seeking the Lord, a 30 Day Start to Your Journey.

The goal of the writing a book is big and exciting.  However, when one sits down with a blank page it can be overwhelming.  How was it for me?  Check out my Author Journey posts to see what my experience has been like.  And if you’re wondering how you can help an independent author, please visit Joint My Author Team page to learn how.

I’m also a member of the Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA) and have more books in the works, so please connect with me. If you sign up for my monthly newsletter, I’ll keep you up to date with the latest happenings. Also, you’ll get my free PDF booklet, The Power of Prayer.

If you have questions or comments, please Contact Me

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