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Book Blog Tour

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My first Book Blog Tour with Have You Heard from God Lately?

What is a book blog tour?

I learned about book blogs from another author in my writer’s group. It is an online book tour. Instead of authors physically going to showcase their work in a store or studio, bloggers will do posts on their websites. The bloggers may read the book and post a review or do a written author interview. The author “tours” the web sharing their book with numerous blog audiences.

Are book blog tours helpful?

Yes. The tours help the authors and bloggers. Bloggers get fresh content for their audiences, who may tell friends and gain new followers.

As an author, I was looking for exposure to new audiences and hopefully increased book sales. I did get the exposure but not an immediate sales boost. However, I did get something of immediate value – book reviews! About half my blog tour hosts read Have You Heard from God Lately? and posted reviews to Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub in addition to their blogs. As you know, reviews are like gold since they add credibility to a book for people who do not know the author. Thankfully, all the reviews were positive!

Where can I see your blog tour?

My book, Have You Heard from God Lately? was on tour with Celebrate Lit in October 2024. You can see the blog stops and find the reviews and interviews here:

October 2024 Book Blog Tour Sponsored by Celebrate Lit – See what the Reviewers said!

For some of blogs listed, you may have to look for older posts, such as October 2024. For example, this blogger writes a lot, so her posts get archived quickly.

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