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Have You Heard From God Lately?

Views: 294

30 Messages from Heaven to You

Who is God?  Does He care about you?  What does He want you to know?  What is your purpose on Earth?  Why is your life not perfect?  Is there any hope in this out-of-control world?  Can you actually know God?

Have You Heard from God Lately?  30 Messages from Heaven to You helps you discover the answers to these all-important questions.  The messages are organized to progressively build your understanding of the God of the universe so that you can relate to Him.  Why?  He wants to give you the wonderful life you were made for but cannot reach without Him.

In Keon’s second book we see that God has spoken to mankind and to us as individuals.  He told us about Himself, humanity, our problems, and our future.  All the messages prepare us for the ultimate Messenger and the ultimate Message.  Who and what are they?  Read it to find out!

Why this Book?

Hebrews is my favorite book in the Bible.  But somehow, I had missed the warning in Hebrews 2:1-3.  That is, if the messages God gave through angels were 100 percent true, and Jesus who is superior to all angels has now spoken, we had better pay attention.  In September 2019 God caught my attention with this topic and it is of vital importance for everyone.  So I want to encourage people to consider the messages God has given and His ultimate Messenger, Jesus.

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Keon has a unique ability to take rich doctrinal truth and present it in an accessible, systematic format that is certain to encourage every Christian wherever they might be on their spiritual journey.  His easy-to-read, practical insight delivers spiritually formative writing that engages the mind, enriches the soul, and edifies the spirit

Keon masterfully leads the reader deeper into the richness of God’s Word while providing a fresh alternative to the superficial simplicity that seems to be customary in many contemporary devotionals. The beauty of Have You Heard from God Lately? is that its inspirational message will keep you returning each day for a 30-day devotional journey but is also spiritually rich enough to keep your attention in a single sitting.  Regardless, of how you read Have You Heard from God Lately? you will hear from God and you will be driven to the Word of God eager to learn more of what the God of the universe has to say to you!

Dr. Tavis J. Long, Ph.D. Religion, 20-year Veteran Navy Chaplain


In Have Your Heard from God Lately?, Keon Lindsey exhorts readers to understand that the Bible is God’s Word, his personal message of love and salvation to each of us. With candor and clarity, Lindsey packs each chapter with Scripture, insights, and thought-provoking questions. He inspires and challenges us to listen, believe, apply, and share God’s messages of love and salvation. With an organized and thorough overview of Scripture, Lindsey clearly shares the message that God loves us and that Jesus died to save us. This book will inspire mature Christians to deeper accountability, but will also provide many with answers to questions they have about God.

Ginger Harrington, Award-winning author of Holy in the Moment

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Media Interviews

Video Interview by Dr. Rosemarie Downer

Podcast Interview with Cecil Taylor

Print Interview by Lisa Haselton

5-Star Review

Have You Heard from God Lately? by Keon Lindsey is a wonderfully written devotional that is meant to lead people into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe this book is one of the best-written discussions on who God is and how we may approach Him. Each message logically builds on the previous discussions. Keon anticipates and then answers possible objections. The topics range from knowing God to serving Him using the Gifts of the Spirit. Not only does Keon discuss the above, but for good measure, he explains prayers and why they are answered or not answered. God knows everything and answers our prayers in the way that will be best for us. All the devotionals are based solidly on the Word of God. This book lines up with the Word of God. Building his theology on scripture after scripture keeps Keon close to what God says.

Some devotionals can bore the reader. However, there is no boredom in Keon Lindsey’s Have You Heard from God Lately? The thirty messages (devotionals) are straight from the Bible. Keon keeps the reader’s interest by interspersing scripture verses with his commentary. Fortunately, his comments are all kept short because of the supremacy of the Word of God. Keon desires to draw the reader into the Word because that is where Truth resides. As one becomes familiar with the Word, one can better serve God. Learning who God is and then putting that knowledge to use by serving Him is central to this book. This book will inspire and motivate Christians to grow closer to Christ and serve God more. The better we know the Word of God, the better we know our Savior.

Review by Philip Van Heusen of Readers’ Favorite

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