What do you long for in life? Have you figured out that when you focus on longings for earthly things you eventually come up short? If so, perhaps you desire more? Do you desire God?
The Almighty invites us come and see that He is the only One who can fulfil the deep longing of our souls.
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8)
Its amazing to me that God who commands the sun and stars gives us little humans a choice to come to Him. He invites us to taste or try Him and see that those who trust are blessed.
John Piper made a good observation in his book When I Don’t Desire God when he wrote, “conversion is the creation of new desires, not just new duties; new delights, not just new deeds; new treasures, not just new tasks.” (p. 16) He provided evidence that this fact has been confirmed across the centuries by famous Christians, such as:
Augustine who said, “How sweet all at once it was for me to rid of those fruitless [earthly] joys which I had once feared to lose…!”
Jonathan Edwards who said, “Our hungerings and thirstings after God and Jesus Christ and after holiness can’t be too great…for they are things of infinite value.”
When you taste something new and find it delicious, you want more. That’s how it is with the Lord. Once you come to Him and see how wonderful He is, you will want more. And the good thing is you can always have more of Him because God is infinite. Have you tasted? You have a personal invitation from Jesus,
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
If you are tired of wasting your time, energy, and money chasing temporary pleasure and delights, try Jesus. He will give lasting satisfaction and rest for your weary soul.