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Giving Back and Looking Forward

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Giving Back and Looking Forward

Giving Back to Make a Difference

If you are like me, days can go by in a blur of activity and sometimes you wonder if you’ve really accomplished anything. So, I was happy for the chance to help with my church’s Thanksgiving Outreach. I managed to block off a Saturday and my whole family helped unload, prep, pack, serve, and assist with food and presents. It was busy, but very rewarding to see peoples’ smiling faces and hear their thanks, as physical needs were met. Even better was knowing that over 200 families heard the Good News of Jesus that day as part of the outreach. Sometimes volunteer opportunities are just physical or just spiritual, but Saturday was extra special because it was both.

If you’ve had the chance to volunteer and help someone recently, you know the good feeling – even if leaves you tired! While we typically think of volunteering around the big holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, you don’t have to wait for them. There are regular needs for helping hands all year. Perhaps your church or community group has regular outreaches for seniors, kids, or the needy. Take a friend or family member with you and encourage others to make a difference with you.

Make a Difference to Look Forward

You may know someone with physical needs, but have you thought about the spiritual needs of those around you? Everyone needs to know Jesus and grow in a relation with the Lord. You might think that meeting such a need is beyond your reach or is the job of the clergy. But it is neither. It is all our responsibility and does not have to be overwhelming. Simply inviting someone to Bible study or church or taking time to ask how they are spiritually can go a long way.

Another easy way to assist someone in progressing forward on their spiritual journey is to give them a Bible study devotional book.  Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You was written to help people understand who God is, why we have problems, and why we need Jesus. It is packed with Bible verses and explanations designed to be read in just 5 minutes a day. It would make a great gift for anyone who needs a spiritual boost. Can you think of a person who may need it? You help them look forward to Heaven by giving them this book! Preview it here and see for yourself:

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