Books Written By Keon

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Books Reviewed By Keon

Books Reviewed, by Category
Why I Believe by Dr. D. James Kennedy – Provides undeniable evidence for the basic tenets of our faith.
Creation – Evolution
The Early Earth by Dr. John C. Whitcomb – An introduction to Biblical Creationism. This is a must read to understand origins and why it matters to your faith.
Truce by Jim Murphy – A critical look at the events leading up to the grass roots Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War 1. Though not a Christian book, it has value for all readers. (coming soon)
Knowing Jesus
How Will I Know the Way? by L.J. Love – A comprehensive Bible study of John 14 & 15
Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney – Encouragement and practical advice to make your prayers not boring.
Wisdom / Thinking / Discernment
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies – Do you believe everything you are told? How do you decide what is right or wrong and true or false? Learn how to discern with this MUST READ book.
Young Adult – Christian Romance (fiction)
A Perfect Fit by Karen Jurgens – Fun and clean romance encouraging young people to tackle life’s challenges by being true to God.
Youth Workers
Losing Your Marbles by Reggie Joiner – A great read and highly recommended for anybody who will do anything with a kid or teenager this week. (coming soon)