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Books Written By Keon

Keon’s 1st Book, awarded 5 Stars by Reader’s Choice

Keon’s 2nd Book arrived as an Amazon #1 New Release

Other Christian Authors You Should Know

Books Reviewed By Keon

Books Reviewed, by Category

Why I Believe by Dr. D. James Kennedy – Provides undeniable evidence for the basic tenets of our faith.

Creation – Evolution
The Early Earth by Dr. John C. Whitcomb – An introduction to Biblical Creationism. This is a must read to understand origins and why it matters to your faith.

Truce by Jim Murphy – A critical look at the events leading up to the grass roots Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War 1. Though not a Christian book, it has value for all readers. (coming soon)

Knowing Jesus
How Will I Know the Way? by L.J. Love – A comprehensive Bible study of John 14 & 15

Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney – Encouragement and practical advice to make your prayers not boring.

Wisdom / Thinking / Discernment
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies – Do you believe everything you are told? How do you decide what is right or wrong and true or false? Learn how to discern with this MUST READ book.

Young Adult Christian Romance (fiction)
A Perfect Fit by Karen Jurgens – Fun and clean romance encouraging young people to tackle life’s challenges by being true to God.

Youth Workers
Losing Your Marbles by Reggie Joiner – A great read and highly recommended for anybody who will do anything with a kid or teenager this week. (coming soon)

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